As members of the millennial generation enter the workforce in increasing numbers, attempts to describe the impact are increasing. How is this generation different from previous generations? Have values and motivations shifted? There is no shortage of questions and answers swirling around. We live in a world where rapid change has become the norm. So, we are accustomed to considering how these changes impact organizations and leadership into the future.
One description of millennials is an attention grabber. It’s always dangerous to paint an entire generation with a broad brush, but when a term surfaces frequently, it’s worth consideration. The millennial generation is known for possessing a strong entrepreneurial streak. Describing an entrepreneurial spirit is like asking your grandmother to write down a recipe. It’s a little science and a lot of art. For millennials, the entrepreneurial fire seems to be a mixture of passion, choice, creativity and a desire for unprecedented autonomy.
Millennials may be the most educated generation ever. It is a generation anxious to make a difference in the world. But, perhaps the greatest challenge is connecting creativity with collaboration. What happens when you mix entrepreneurial fire with your current style of leadership? Healthy collaboration and teamwork is not an automatic outcome. There is a clear and present danger that differences will divide and isolate rather than unite for the common good. But, the blending of generations can and should be something special. More than ever before, leadership development must be a transformational process.
Generations can create and experience positive change together. Harnessing the power of the entrepreneurial spirit requires a relentless investment in a healthy leadership culture. Is your culture engaged in transformation? It’s not enough to possess a contagious vision. In order to thrive and engage a diverse workforce, strategic movement must be governed by strong values that cultivate unity in the midst of diversity. Whether communication flows through daily face-to-face or virtual messages, connection around the central mission is more important than ever. How has your organization responded to the influx of the millennial generation? Is your communication stronger or weaker?
At InitiativeOne, we have a proven track record of helping create a healthy leadership culture. For more information, visit us today at https://www.initiative-one.com